The recently released video game Baldur’s Gate III is now available for play on Windows PC, Apple macOS computers, and the Google Stadia platform. Larian Studios has done an excellent job with the game’s graphics, gameplay, storyline, and other aspects, all of which are receiving a lot of praise from a variety of players. But there are some issues which players are facing playing the game. Baldur’s Gate 3 PC gamers are reporting issues such as crashing at launch, the game not saving, access being denied and more. Listed here are some of the problems and errors that Baldur’s Gate 3 players are having, along with their fixes and workarounds.

How to fix Baldur’s Gate 3 Filesystem error?

The Baldur’s Gate 3 Filesystem error looks like this – “FileSystem error Failed to create dir:\?\Larian Studios\Baldur’s Gate 3 The system cannot find the path specified” However, this is a simple problem likely due to an overzealous antivirus program. You’ll only need to let your PC know it’s safe. You can fix it by following these instructions –

Open Windows Security and then head over to Virus & Threat Protection Go to Manage ransomware protection and then find Controlled folder access After that, turn Controlled folder access off Look for the Baldur’s Gate 3 EXE file in the game’s files and then set it to run as administrator Finally, you can right-click on the documents folder in Explorer and then go to properties Switch to the Location tab and then click Restore Defaults

How to fix Baldur’s Gate 3 .Net core error?

If you’ve got an additional drive mounted to your PC like an SSD and have all the files for Baldur’s gate installed here, you might get the error like this – “To run this application, you must install .net core. Would you like to download it now?” It’ll arise if you have the %programfiles% folder stored in the secondary drive instead of the main D drive. For fixing this issue, move the %programfiles% folder over to the C drive. You could keep the files on your secondary drive, you can make a different directory for them. The %programfiles% folder will have to be in C drive. Remember to make sure that your OS and graphical drivers remain up-to-date. If you’re having outdated drivers, they can cause some sort of conflict with the game’s files.