Now, we have also known that the smartphone being launched in 2017 comes with Android 7.0 Nougat and the update to Android 8.0 Oreo will come for the smartphone next year. However, we have known that the smartphone has been updated pretty regularly with the latest security patch updates that are being released by Google every month which means that the phone remains up to date with the security patches being installed every month. Now, a new security patch update has been hitting the Galaxy J7 Nxt smartphones and this update brings the November security patch update to the device. In terms of the security patch update, we are in the month of December and the December security patch update has already been released so the November security patch update is a bit late to arrive for the phone but we have seen many smartphones not even getting monthly updates. Now, the users in India who own the Galaxy J7 Nxt have reported to be receiving the latest update on their smartphones via an OTA and the update has been arriving on their phones with build number J701MUBU1AQJ2. Thus, you should also wait for your Galaxy J7 Nxt to get the latest update soon and install the update as soon as possible.

Update Galaxy J7 Nxt-J701F To J701MUBU1AQJ2 November security patch OTA Update

The update is now rolling out for Galaxy J7 Nxt-J701F users.If you are a Galaxy J7 Nxt-J701F user then you may have already received the update.You can manually check for the update from Settings > Software update >Download updates manually.If there is no update showing on your device, then wait for few days for the update to come to your device.