Universities are a major milestone of life, and which one you end up in will determine your future success. Many students lack the financial means to support their education, having to resort to lifedraining student loans or part-time jobs that sometimes consume so much of their time and energy meant for studying, that they defeat their own purpose. Staring down a barrel of such dystopian years ahead, getting a scholarship is an obvious bailout and a thing to go after for many students, and an essay is a titular constituent of your scholarship application.

Personalize your writing

Scholarships are exclusive by nature. So, every financier is looking for applicants who meet certain criteria. Do not generalize your essay and hit send all. Instead, try to tailor it to a particular university. Deeply familiarize yourself with the vision and goals of the university before applying, and try to hit the mark by directly appealing to their purpose. If you are unsure of your abilities, you can buy essay writing services from online professionals who will custom deliver a winning essay for you. Whichever path you choose, make sure your essay is highly purpose-written.

Take a head start

Have you ever gotten overly excited by your writing, only for the next morning’s fresh look to reveal it was nothing special after all? Quality takes time, and a scholarship essay is the last thing you want to phone in. Don’t trust your first impression and start drafting as early as possible, so you can keep refining your work over and over until you are fully satisfied. But what if you sit down but find it hard to start from scratch? In any writing, the hardest part is generating initial traction. To get you rolling quickly, you can consult TopEssayWriting – essay examples for free for inspiration, topics, or writing an outline. After the heavy-lifting of defining the underlying concept of your essay is over with, the rest should flow more easily.

Go outside the box

Formulaic and unimaginative application letters are as boring to read as they are to write. Remember that you are fishing for a limited opportunity reserved for the finest of students, so you will need to come off special. After all the dry formalities are out of the way during initial filtering, the essay is going to be the first real point of contact between you and the evaluators that gives them an insight into your abilities and motivations behind applying, so be sure to leave a mark by standing out.

Don’t stray too far outside the box

As evident by the title, this is the flip side of the previous paragraph’s point. How formal should your writing be? Making an academically sound but at the same time captivating essay is a delicate balance to strike. As per the previous point, do try to come up with a one-of-a-kind essay, but do not overshoot the runway with how unique sounding you make it. This might backfire by coming off as forced and pretentious, as the recipients may feel like you are desperately trying to sound original. Be naturally unconventional, but still adhere to basic academic standards.

Ask for feedback

When you send an important email, do you immediately go to the sent section to read it from the recipient’s perspective, only to belatedly find issues and beat yourself up over them? People are unavoidably subjective toward something of their own making. It’s easy to get carried away by your own work, so consider running it by a few trusted people for an outside opinion. Nowadays, you can even use online writing tools for valuable feedback on your writing. At some point, you should also try to put yourself in the recipients’ shoes and judge your essay from their standpoint. After all, they are the ones whose opinion is going to be decisive at the end of the day.


As mentioned in the introduction, the essay is the flagship of your scholarship application. It is your chance to set yourself apart from others and gain an advantage over them. Working on something that carries such a responsibility can be overwhelming, but never throw in the towel prematurely and keep working on it until it is all you want it to be. Writing a good essay may take up days or even weeks, but the benefits it can win you will stretch over your entire life.

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