Clash Royal is the latest game from the developers of One of the most popular game “Clash Of Clans“.It is a strategy game from Supercell just like the clash of clans.It is now available for both ios and Android.But here we are sharing the Android version of the game. All the characters of the clash of clans are included in this game and there are some extra characters are added.It also has Princes, Knights, Baby Dragons and many other new characters.It is really a very interesting and challenging game.If you are thinking that it is the sequel to the original Clash of Clans then you are wrong.It is totally a different game.It has a completely new gameplay.

Some feature Of Clash Royale

● Duel players from around the world in real-time and take their Trophies ● Earn chests to unlock rewards, collect powerful new cards and upgrade existing ones ● Destroy opponent’s towers and win Crowns to earn epic Crown chests ● Build and upgrade your card collection with the Clash Royale Family along with dozens of your favorite Clash troops, spells and defenses ● Construct your ultimate Battle Deck to defeat your opponents ● Progress through multiple Arenas all the way to the top ● Form a Clan to share cards and build your very own battle community ● Challenge your Clanmates and friends to a private duel ● Learn different battle tactics by watching the best duels on TV Royale (Source: Playstore)

Download Clash Royale APK for Android

(latest) Clash royale 1.2.3.apk (File Size: 87.1 MB /Updated: 2nd March 2016/Version: 1.2.3) →Playstore Link Important: We will update this page if there is a new version of the app.So bookmark this page in your browser. Note: The Apk file is not modified.It is the original file extracted from Google Play Store.You can find the signature of the developer.It is safe to use.

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