Now, the Nokia 2 which has been launched as a budget smartphone was promised to get regular Android updates for 2 years at the time of launch. Now, many users have been waiting for the latest update to get to the Nokia devices. Among them is the Nokia 2 which should also be getting the latest update to Android 8.0 Oreo as promised by the company. Now, this question was asked to the CEO of HMD Global, Juho Survikas by one of the users of Nokia 2 smartphone. To everyone’s surprise, the CEO of HMD Global replied back to this user’s question and confirmed that the Nokia 2 will be getting updates till Android 8.1 Oreo

Confirmed By CEO: Nokia 2 will get Android 8.1 Oreo

— Juho Sarvikas (@sarvikas) December 28, 2017 Now, it is also worth noting that the Android 8.1 Oreo update has been rolling out to some devices and the Nokia 2 receiving the update will be good news for the buyers of the Nokia 2. However, it is disappointing at the same time that the smartphone will not receive the update to Android 9.0 which will be released next year. Apart from that, the CEO also tweeted that the Nokia 2 will be optimized to run the latest version of Android smoother and the Android Go optimizations will also be done on the Nokia 2