Also, we have known that the smartphone was launched with the earlier version of Android launched by Google in 2016 named as Android 7.0 Nougat. However, we have also known that the update to Android 8.0 Oreo for most of the flagship smartphones from Sony launched last year and its previous year is expected to be released in the first half of 2018. However, the Xperia XA1 and XA1 Plus are getting a new update which has been pushed officially by Sony to its latest smartphones. Talking about these updates to the Xperia‘s latest XA series smartphones, we have known that this update fixes the much-talked-about Spectre bug which is due to the design of the processor and there is a permanent fix for this bug rather than changing the processor itself as its a hardware fault. Now, as far as the update from Sony is concerned, the update has been rolled out with version number 40.0.A.6.189 which comes as an OTA update. In terms of the update, we also know that the Xperia XA1 Plus is getting the same update with version number 48.0.A.1.131. Apart from the Spectre bug fix which we already mentioned above, this update also installs the January security patch to the device which is the latest security patch update released by Google earlier this month. Make sure to wait for the OTA update and install the OTA as soon as it is ready.